Saturday, 11 May 2013

What is this JUCE you speak of, and why should I be excited by it?

In short, JUCE is some kind of beautiful witchcraft which will better you life in ways you never imagined.

If you would like a more serious answer, here goes. JUCE is a library which contains lots of code to help in writing applications. The reason it is so exciting for audio plug-in development, is that it allows you to take the same piece of code and compile it as any of the main plug-in formats (VST/AU/RTAS/AAX). The code should also work across platforms, so with very little effort you should be able to build a VST on Linux, Windows and Mac from the same bit of code.

This means we can spend lots of time on making sure our plug-in does what we want. JUCE then does the tedious job of making it work in a variety of formats on a variety of platforms.

If you want to read more about JUCE you can go to the website.

Have a nice day now!

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