Saturday, 11 May 2013



This blog hopes to provide a simple tutorial to help people get started with building audio plug-ins using the JUCE library. Perhaps strangely, I am aiming this blog at those who may have experience with audio signal processing (say through using Max/MSP or Pure Data) but have little to no experience with C++.

In no way is this going to be a tutorial on C++ programming, plenty of those already exist. If you are looking for a good introduction to C/C++ for audio applications I thoroughly recommend The Audio Programming Book. Rather, it will attempt to explain the structure of a JUCE audio plug-in and how you can edit the basic template to make a simple plug-in.

I will, for the most part, try to keep things as cross platform as I can. I am mostly Linux/Windows based myself but I make the occasional foray into the world of Mac (mostly on poorly conceived Hackintoshes which fail to work correctly). Thankfully JUCE is masterfully written and transferring code onto other platforms is a mostly painless procedure.

Anyhow, hopefully this blog will be of use to some people out there.

Have a nice day now!

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